- Nice home in safe and quiet community
- CategoryHouseParishClarendonCity/TownMay Pen
- JMD 275
Property For Sale In Clarendon, Jamaica
- 4 acres of land for sale - Northern Clarendon
- CategoryLand, LotsParishClarendonCity/TownBrandon Hill
- JMD 6,000,000
- May Pen - Lots
- CategoryLand, LotsParishClarendonCity/TownMay Pen
- JMD 5,200,000
- May Pen - Lots for Sale
- CategoryLand, LotsParishClarendonCity/TownMay Pen
- JMD 5,200,000
- 5 Bedroom, 3.5 bathroom spacious
- 53.5
- CategoryHouseParishClarendonCity/TownMay Pen
- JMD 2,100,000
- Suitable for gated community - apartments, cottages or townhouse complex.
- CategoryLand, LotsParishClarendonCity/TownMay Pen
- Residential lot Toll Gate Clarendon
- CategoryLand, LotsParishClarendonCity/TownToll Gate